Smart cities

setting the stanDards

Setting the standards

The operating model in the global and national standards for smart cities was developed by CS Transform. This models enables cities to become truly focused around the needs of citizens and businesses, by providing a practical solution for cross-silo working, and by providing details and practical tools and processes.

Together with our Transform 360 application suite, this provides a practical standards-based business solution for cities at all levels of maturity.

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A complete solution for planning and delivering a smarter city


Basleline your city against international standards for smart city maturity. Identify key strengths, weaknesses and priorities for action.


Build consensus on city priorities across key stakeholder groups, and establish strong governance and effective partnerships for collaborative action.


Build a detailed roadmap to deliver your vision for a smarter city in a phased way over time, through a practical and proven program of change.

Business case

Quantify the social and economic value that your smart city investments create. Track delivery of the benefits through real-time KPI measurement.

Skills and training

Map the new skills you need to deliver your roadmap. Build capabilities through smart city training and curricula. Manage skills in real time across all partners.

Managing delivery

Live dashboards show progress on smart city roadmap KPIs, with intelligent early-warning of potential delivery risks before they become problems.

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